Course Overview
Archaeology covers a huge range of topics, spanning the evolution of humans through the development of farming, ancient civilisations and world empires, as well as the role of material culture in human life and of heritage in modern societies. Students can follow many streams – Archaeology (covering all world cultures), Biological Anthropology, Egyptology and Assyriology – as well as specialise in subjects such as Archaeological Science and Heritage Studies.
Cambridge is one of the largest centres of archaeological research in Britain, and we have recently been awarded top place in The Times Good University Guide for Archaeology in the UK. Archaeology students at Cambridge benefit from direct hands-on access to world-class collections in Cambridge’s many museums, libraries and research centres.
Find out more about the course here.
The Benefits of Archaeology at Fitzwilliam College
Fitzwilliam College is particularly strong in the archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean world, with Professor Martin Millett (Roman archaeology) and Dr Sara Owen (Greek archaeology) both in the Fellowship. The Director of Studies, Dr Thomas Matthews Boehmer, specialises in the western provinces of the Roman Empire and is currently working on (and excavating in) Roman York.
Facts and Figures
Average intake each year: 1 - 2
Typical A Level offer: A*AA
Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level
We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.
Essential subjects: no specific subjects required
Useful subjects: an ancient or modern language for students wanting to take Egyptology or Assyriology
Additional Requirements: applicants must submit one piece of written work, applicants are required to sit the Archaeology written assessment if invited for interview
Application Process
Applicants should submit one example of recent work, which will be available to interviewers.
Applicants invited for interview are required to sit the Archaeology written assessment. More information can be found on the University website.
Candidates should normally expect two interviews. Applicants are not expected to have any standard background in Archaeology, as the field is highly varied and the subject is often not taught in schools; however, they should be prepared to discuss their relevant interests and potential directions they may wish to follow.
Director of Studies
Dr Thomas Mathews Boehmer

Dr Thomas Matthews Boehmer
Find Out More
Every year, the College runs an Arts and Humanities Taster Day for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students.
The College also runs an Archaeology Essay Competition for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students.
More information about both these opportunities will be posted in the autumn.