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College Teaching Officer - English

Applications are invited for the post of College Teaching Officer in English with effect from 1 September 2025. The successful candidate will be required to teach undergraduates for the Cambridge English Tripos, and to act as a Director of Studies in English. Applications are welcome from candidates working in any period and field of literature in English who are able to offer extensive teaching for Part I and Part II papers in their field. There is a particular concentration of teaching needs in the early modern and modern periods, and the ability to teach aspects of the Tragedy paper is desirable. (Papers, detailed on the Faculty of English website, mostly cover literature from the early medieval period to the present day.)

The appointment is for a fixed period of five years. The post is intended to provide an opportunity to develop teaching skills and research activity. Only candidates who expect to have a PhD degree awarded by the starting date will be considered. Applicants will be expected to have a research profile commensurate with their stage of career.

The College Teaching Officer will be appointed at a salary of £38,249 pa with annual increments up to a maximum of £42,882 pa, plus a supplement for the administrative responsibilities of acting as Director of Studies (variable according to the number of students overseen: approximately £1,073-£1,327 for each year group of eight to ten students) and for conducting admissions interviews (approximately £19 for each 30 minute interview). The stipend will be pensionable under USS. Cost of living increases in College stipends are made at the same time as comparable increases in University stipends (with the first such increase anticipated before the commencement of the post).

The successful candidate will be elected to a Fellowship of the College, with which further obligations and privileges are associated; these include membership of the Governing Body as a Trustee of the College, and entitlement to seven meals per week at College expense whenever the kitchens are open. Fellows are expected to participate in the communal life and governance of the College and to promote, develop and extend the affairs and reputation of the College. The appointment is subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the College.

Further Particulars, along with information on how to apply, can be downloaded here.

Closing date: 10am, 10th March 2025