Women in STEM 2025
Women in STEM: Current Research Webinar Series
What is it?
A series of online webinars presented by Fitzwilliam academics and researchers in STEM subjects. Each webinar will focus on one of the core GCSE STEM subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. Presentations will demonstrate how concepts learnt as part of the GCSE curriculum are being applied to groundbreaking research at the University of Cambridge today.
The webinars will take place between 6pm-7pm on the evenings of the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th March.
Who is it for?
Students who identify as women or another marginalised gender, and who are studying GCSE Mathematics or Sciences. Students who have completed their GCSEs and our considering applying for a STEM course at University may also find the series beneficial.
How do I sign up?
Please use the form below to register your interest in the webinar series. In the event of over-subscription, places will be allocated according to the widening participation criteria below.
Participants will be sent the link to join the webinars in the week before the event.
Women in STEM: Year 12 Visit Day
What is it?
A chance to visit Fitzwilliam College for a tour and workshops on application support. There will also be a chance to meet current STEM students, academics, and researchers.
The visit day will take place between 9:30am-3:30pm on Wednesday 2nd April.
Who is it for?
This visit day is open to Year 12 (or equivalent) students who identify as women or another marginalised gender, and who are interested in applying for Sciences subjects at the University of Cambridge.
How do I sign up?
Please fill in the registration form below. In the event of over-subscription, places will be prioritised for students who meet our widening participation criteria
Widening Participation Criteria
In the event of over-subscription, places will be prioritised for students who meet any of the following criteria:
- Are care experienced
- Have been eligible for Free School Meals (at any point in the last six years)
- Are, or have been, an asylum seeker or refugee
- Have significant caring responsibilities
- Are estranged from close family members
- Live in an area of high deprivation (IMD)
- Are located in one of our Link Areas of Cheshire, Cumbria, and Hammersmith and Fulham
- Attend a low-performing sixth form
- Attend a low-performing GCSE school
- Are from an under-represented ethnic group, these include:
- Black African and Black Caribbean
- Pakistani and Bangladeshi
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
- Are from any background or region of the UK which is under-represented at the University of Cambridge
- Have had any other personal circumstances that have disrupted your education
Privacy notice: Information about how your personal information will be used by us in connection with the administration of this event/activity, and for related purposes, is available at http://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/how-we-use-participant-data.
Please contact Fitzwilliam College at schools.liaison@fitz.cam.ac.uk with any questions in the first instance. Some of the questions in this form ask you for some sensitive personal information. You are not required to provide this information to us but, if you do, you will be consenting for us to use if to assess eligibility for this event/activity, which will prioritise students from widening-participation backgrounds. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about how we intend to use this information. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time – please contact us if you wish to do so.