Year 12 Visit Days
What is it?
Fitzwilliam College is launching a new format for its Outreach from October 2024. Schools and individuals will be able to come to the College on "Visit Days", where we will run a range of activities and workshops which aim to support young people who are thinking about applying to the University of Cambridge.
The visit days will be split into two types - Year 10/11 and Year 12.
Year 12 Visit Days will think in depth about the application process, and students will be able to take part in a range of workshops that are tailored towards the time of year and the parts of the application the students should be focusing on.
A sample itinerary can be found below:

Who is it for?
Year 12 Visit Days are for students attending state-maintained schools who are in their penultimate year of secondary education.
We will give priority to those students/schools that are in our "Link Areas" - these are:
- Hammersmith and Fulham
- Cheshire
- Cumbria
Students wishing to join us for the Year 12 Visit Days may either apply with their school (a member of staff who will be responsible for coordinating the trip should fill out the application), or as individuals.
Schools are permitted to bring up to 20 students to any visit day. We will prioritise places for schools who are attending their first 2024/2025 visit day over those who have already attended another day during the year.
How can I apply?
Please use the link below to register interest for our 2024/2025 visit days
Widening Participation Criteria
In the event of over-subscription, places will be prioritised for schools who meet any of the following criteria:
- Are located in one of our Link Areas of Cheshire, Cumbria, and Hammersmith and Fulham
- Have a below-average number of students progressing to higher education, or specifically Cambridge
- Have an above-average proportion of students eligible for Free School Meals, or living in IMD Quintiles 1 and 2
- Have a below-average Progress 8 or Attainment 8 score
- Received Requires Improvement or Inadequate in the most recent Ofsted report
Similarly, places for individuals will be prioritised for students who meet any of the following criteria:
- Are care experienced
- Have been eligible for Free School Meals (at any point in the last six years)
- Are, or have been, an asylum seeker or refugee
- Have significant caring responsibilities
- Are estranged from close family members
- Live in an area of low progression to higher education (POLAR4)
- Live in an area of high deprivation (IMD)
- Attend a low-performing sixth form
- Attend/attended a low-performing GCSE school
- Are from an under-represented ethnic group, these include:
- Black African and Black Caribbean
- Pakistani and Bangladeshi
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
- Are from any background or region of the UK which is under-represented at the University of Cambridge
- Have had any other personal circumstances that have disrupted your education