Modern and Medieval Languages
Course Overview
MML is a remarkably varied course in which students not only read two languages (one from scratch if desired) but cover a wide range of intellectual and cultural endeavours: literature, linguistics, or film and history, for example.
Students of MML acquire varied skills –the technical appreciation of accuracy and attention to detail (which comes from language work); the ability to analyse and synthesize complex material and an understanding of cultural values (both of which come from their range of study); the practical skill of speaking and writing fluently in two or more foreign languages; a certain ease in dealing with people (which comes from work-experience abroad); an open- mindedness and tolerance of other points of view and cultures; and an almost professional interest in world affairs –all of which come from the tendency of their studies to reveal new horizons.
Find out more about the course here.
The Benefits of Modern and Medieval Languages at Fitzwilliam College
The Modern Linguists at Fitzwilliam are a strong and distinctive group within college. We encourage them to work together and to help one another as much as possible so that first-year students soon get to know those in their second and final year and benefit from their experience of the College and the University.
Facts and Figures
Average intake each year: 6
Typical A Level offer: A*AA
Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level
We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.
Essential subjects: A Level/IB Higher Level in at least one modern language to be studied at Cambridge.
Application Process
Applicants must submit two pieces of recent written work with their application. Those invited to interview are then required to sit the Modern and Medieval Languages admissions written assessment.
Director of Studies
Dr Mr Paul Hoegger
Dr John Leigh

Dr John Leigh

Mr Paul Hoegger
Find Out More
Every year, the College runs an Arts and Humanities Taster Day for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students. More information will be provided in the autumn.
If you want to find out about our open days or visiting the College, see here.