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Course Overview

Geography at Fitzwilliam College has a long and thriving tradition, making it one of best places in the world to study the subject. Geography is important to the College in terms of its good degree results, the large number of Fellows in the subject, the high numbers of students we admit each year and the successful history of the subject in the College. Find out more about the course here.

The Benefits of Geography at Fitzwilliam College

Geography students represent a strong community at Fitzwilliam. All geographers, whether undergraduate, postgraduate or Fellow, are proud to belong to the Fitzwilliam Geographical Society. No first-year geographer feels at sea on arrival, with a ready-made family of peers and associates with whom to socialise and enjoy areas of mutual interest. The College, through its scholarships and bursaries, is able to provide significant financial assistance for geographers who wish to carry out fieldwork in the United Kingdom and abroad, particularly in the vacation between the second and third years. There is a dedicated Environmental Studies Fund for travel linked to research on environment-related topics.

Facts and Figures

Average intake each year: 10-12

Typical A Level offer: A*AA

Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level

We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.

Essential subjects: None

Application Process

Candidates invited to interview can normally expect two face-to-face interviews lasting 30 minutes.

Director of Studies

Professor Bhaskar Vira

Professor Richard Powell

Dr Celine Vidal

Dr Alex Cullen

Headshot of Professor Bhaskar Vira

Professor Bhaskar Vira

Headshot of professor Richard Powell

Professor Richard Powell

Headshot of Dr Céline	Vidal

Dr Celine Vidal

Find Out More

Every year, the College runs an Arts and Humanities Taster Day for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students. More information about this will be posted in the autumn.

If you want to find out about our open days or visiting the College, see here.