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Headshot of Dr Ashleigh Wiseman
Department Name:
Department of Archaeology

Dr Ashleigh Wiseman

Department webpage

Ashleigh is a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, part support by an Isaac Newton Trust Fellowship in the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. She completed her PhD in evolutionary biomechanics at Liverpool John Moores University, whereby she reconstructed hominin limb posture and movement from fossilised footprints. 

Ashleigh’s first postdoc was based at the Royal Veterinary College where she worked on evolutionary biomechanics and computational simulations of archosaur locomotion. Her main research interest is establishing how fossils moved.

Ashleigh’s current research focuses on reconstructing the soft tissues (muscles and ligaments) of early human ancestors and computing biomechanical simulations of locomotory movement to establish how our ancestors moved.