History and Modern Languages
Course Overview
History and Modern Languages combines the best of both subjects. It offers the opportunity to develop near native-speaker skills in a foreign language while studying a range of papers relating to the culture and history of the relevant language area; options in some languages also include film and contemporary politics. Students on the History and Modern Languages course will develop analytical skills in History through a wide range of topics in British, European, American and World history, as well as the history of political thought. There will be opportunities to work with historical sources in foreign languages. As for other language students, those who take this course will spend their third year studying or working abroad, thereby immersing themselves in the language, culture, history and politics of a foreign country.
Find out more about the course here.
The Benefits of History and Modern Languages at Fitzwilliam College
Fitzwilliam has a large number of Fellows (senior college members) in both History and MML. This means that the History and Modern Languages students will find themselves a part of a large, supportive academic community. Not only does the college have an active History Society, but the Fitzwilliam Linguists also benefit from the Hilltops Linguist Society, an annual Modern Linguists Dinner, and an end of year Linguists Soiree. As an HML student, you’ll get the best of both worlds.
Facts and Figures
Average intake each year: 1-2
Typical A Level offer: A*AA
Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level
We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.
Essential subjects: A level/IB Higher level History or Ancient History and a Modern Language (unless applying to study a language from scratch)
Useful subjects: An A Level language is also useful for those wishing to study a language from scratch.
Application Process
Applicants will need to submit two pieces of written work and, if shortlisted for interview, take the History admissions assessment and the Modern Languages assessment.
Director of Studies
Dr John Leigh
Mr Paul Hoegger

Dr John Leigh

Mr Paul Hoegger
Find Out More
Every year, the College runs an Arts and Humanities Taster Day for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students. More information will be provided later in the autumn.
If you want to find out about our open days or visiting the College, see here.