Course Overview
Success in medicine requires application and hard work, both while you’re learning and when you enter practice. However, it brings great rewards in terms of job satisfaction and the variety of career opportunities within the profession. Learning about and practicing medicine is also very enjoyable, involving as it does a combination of applied science and human interactions. The environment in which different types of medicine are practised is rich and varied, and continually changing, so that doctors continue to learn throughout their working lives.
Find out more about the course here.
The Benefits of Medicine at Fitzwilliam College
Choosing a college is influenced in part by social and environmental factors such as accommodation, friendliness, preference for architectural styles or not living in the centre of town surrounded by tourists. It should also be influenced by the teaching offered within a college and at Fitzwilliam we pride ourselves on the quality of the supervisions provided in medical and veterinary subjects. In the recent past, Fitzwilliam medics and vets have performed consistently well.
Medical students at Fitzwilliam are well served through having 24-hour access to the Evelyn Suite. This contains resources such as skeletons, models, computers, microscopes and textbooks that aid medical learning. In addition to having access to the excellent resources within the Evelyn Suite, all pre-clinical students are provided with personal copies of the core textbooks for each of the subjects studied in the first two years.
Facts and Figures
Average intake each year: 10-11
Typical A Level offer: A*A*A
Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level
We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.
Essential subjects: A level/IB Higher in Chemistry and at least one other science or mathematics subject from: Mathematics, Biology or Human Biology, Physics or Further Mathematics
The entry requirements listed are for entry in 2025 or deferred entry in 2026. Entry requirements for future years will be published in due course. Check the University guidance on choosing A Levels or high school subjects.
Application Process
Applicants are required to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT).
Director of Studies
Dr Robert Abayasekara
Professor Kourosh Saeb- Parsy
Dr Aaron D’sa

Dr Robert Abayasekara

Professor Kourosh Saeb-Parsy

Dr Aaron D'Sa