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Headshot of Dr Ashraf Zarkan
Natural Sciences
Department Name:
Department of Genetics
Natural Sciences

Dr Ashraf Zarkan

Ash Zarkan is a Bye-Fellow at Fitzwilliam College and a Research Fellow at the Department of Genetics. He is a microbiologist with a long-standing interest in infectious diseases and microbial genetics. Ash is an expert on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and his research is focused on tackling the rise of AMR, especially in the human pathogen Escherichia coli (E. coli). His clinical focus is on urinary tract infections (UTIs) where E. coli is the major pathogen affecting 150 million people per year worldwide. He is an active member of the Microbiology Society, and he serves as an academic reviewer for a number of prestigious microbiology journals and grant funding bodies. Ash has lectured on several programmes in Cambridge on topics ranging from infectious diseases, immunity, vaccination, and antimicrobial resistance. At other times, Ash is an entrepreneur with interest in translational research and drug discovery. He is a co-founder and CEO of BioTryp Therapeutics, a recent spin-off company from the University of Cambridge.