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Headshot of professor Martin Millett
Department Name:
Faculty of Classics

Professor Martin Millett

Department webpage

I am an archaeologist who developed interests in the Classical World and thence moved into Classics. My research is concerned with understanding how the lives of different indigenous peoples were altered through their encounters with the Roman Empire, and how their cultures in turn altered the nature of the Roman world itself. I currently undertake fieldwork in two contrasting regions. In the first, in Northern England, near the margins of the Roman Empire we have been undertaking a long-term study of settlement and economy, focusing in particular on patterns of local variation. Currently this work focuses on the Roman town of Isurium Brigantium (Aldborough). In the other, at the centre of the Empire, I am a member of two research groups, one investigating the archaeology of Portus - the principal port of imperial Rome, the other looking at early Roman colonization in southern Lazio, focused on the town of Interamna Lirenas.

Recent publications

2010 (with S. Hay, P. Johnson and S. Keay) 'Falerii Novi: further survey of the northern extra-mural area' Papers of the British School at Rome , 78, 1-38

2011 (with P. Germoni, S. Keay and K. Strutt) 'The Isola Sacra: reconstructing the Roman landscape', S. Keay and L. Paroli (eds) Portus and its hinterland, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 18, 231-60. ISBN 978-0-904152-60-9

2012 (with S. Hay, A. Launaro and N. Leone) 'Interamna Lirenas e il su territorio. Indagini archeologiche non invasive 2010', Sabina e Lazio 8 (Atti del Convengo, Roma 30-31 Marzo, 1 Apirile 2011): 603-09. ISBN 978-88-7140-476-9

2012 (with S. Hay and S. Keay) 'Teano (Teanun Sidicinum), Campania', in F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (eds) Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxbow, 105–13.

2012'Vespasian and the Flavian transformation of Britannia', in Vespasiano e l'impero dei Flavi (eds) L. Capogrossi and E. Tassi Scadone. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 71–82

2013 (edited with Paul Johnson) Archaeological Survey and the City, Oxford: Oxbow Books (ISBN 978-1-84217-509-5)

2013 (with S. Hay and S.J. Keay) Ocriculum (Otricoli, Province of Terni): an archaeological survey of the Roman town, London: British School at Rome Monograph 22 (ISBN 978-0-904152-67-8)