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Headshot of professor Matthew Wingate
Department Name:
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)

Professor Matthew Wingate

JMA Senior President

Department webpage

I am a theoretical physicist working in quantum physics. Primarily I investigate the properties of quarks, the constituents of protons, neutrons, and more exotic particles which exist for brief moments. Quark interactions are very strong, so despite having a good underlying theory, the Standard Model of particle physics, calculations relevant for making sense of some experimental measurements require substantial theoretical and computational effort. I try to combine computations on supercomputers with theoretical advances in order to help reveal hints of what might lie outside the Standard Model.

I joined Fitzwilliam College as a Fellow in 2007 and teach undergraduate mathematicians topics such as Differential Equations, Dynamics and Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Physics.  I am involved with the Fitzwilliam College Amalgamated Sports Clubs and the Junior Members' Association.  I have run for Fitz in the Chariots of Fire relay race and the Turing Trail Relay.