Course Overview
Philosophy is the study of problems of an abstract and ultimate character, to do with the nature of reality, knowledge, truth, morality and human purpose, among other things. Philosophy at Cambridge emphasises precise argument: logic (the study of correct forms of argument) is a significant element of the course. The central elements of the Philosophy Tripos are logic, metaphysics, the philosophy of mind, and ethics; there are also optional courses on aesthetics, political philosophy, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, philosophy of mathematics and experimental psychology.
Find out more about the course here.
The Benefits of Philosophy at Fitzwilliam College
The community at Fitz offers a thriving and supportive environment allowing students to engage with the course in productive ways and learn from each other. At Fitzwilliam College the supervisions are almost all one to one.
Facts and Figures
Average intake each year: 3
Typical A Level offer: A*AA
Typical IB offer: 41 – 42 points with 776 at Higher Level
We may modify offers to take account of individual circumstances.
Essential subjects: None
Useful subjects: A mixture of arts and science subjects can be helpful.
Application Process
Those invited to interview will sit the Philosophy admissions written assessment, and will normally have at least two interviews.
Director of Studies
Dr Milena Ivanova

Find Out More
Every year, the College runs an Arts and Humanities Taster Day for Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), Year 13 (Northern Ireland) or equivalent students. More information will be available in autumn.
If you want to find out about our open days or visiting the College, see here.